Lithuanian and Estonian Textile Art at the Pallas Gallery

The exhibition VIENAS IŠ MŪSŲ / ÜKS MEIST / ONE OF US brings together internationally renowned textile artists from Estonia and Lithuania at Gallery Pallas, whose works explore the participation of non-humans in our human world in various ways. As society evolves, there is a growing need to focus on other species around us, as well as on the ability of materials to connect and intertwine us with non-human organisms in a textured world.

The idea for the exhibition originated from international contacts between textile artists and the collaboration between the textile departments of the Pallas University of Applied Sciences and Vilnius Academy of Arts in Kaunas. The curatorial text, authored by Dr. Odeta Žukauskienė, is driven by a desire to raise awareness of dynamic human and more-than-human relationships, eco-sensitivity, intertwined sustainability, and new ways of depicting life. The curators invited artists from different generations, whose work emphasizes environmental themes. Through their creations, the artists reinterpret our relationship with ecosystems, natural and social environments, materials and clothing, the social and personal spheres, techniques, and technologies, experimenting with objects intertwined with our lives. In the context of Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture, the exhibition also aims to localize the globalized world. Its goal is to show that we are always connected to our location and experience the world locally. The exhibition’s motto is “Taking care of non-humans.” It raises the question: What aesthetic, ethical, or political perspectives arise from the movement between human and more-than-human bodies, materials, and environments?

Participating Artists: group “Baltos kandys” (Austė Jurgelionytė-Varnė, Karolina Kunčinaitė, Miglė Lebednykaitė, Rasa Leonavičiūtė, Laura Pavilonytė-Ežerskienė, Julija Vosyliūtė), Egle Ganda Bogdanienė, Liisa Hanvere, Lina Jonikė, Mari-Triin Kirs, Severija Inčirauskaitė Kriaunevičienė, Krista Leesi, Gerda Liudvinavičiūtė, Aet Ollisaar, Laima Oržekauskienė, Kadi Pajupuu, Marilyn Piirsalu, Maryliis Teinfeldt-Grins, Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė Žaltė.

Curators: Aet Ollisaar, Reet Pulk-Piatkowska, Monika Žaltauskaitė Grašienė Žaltė

Curatorial Text: Dr. Odeta Žukauskienė.

Exhibition Designer: Madis Liplap. Graphic Design: Kadi Pajupuu. Catalogue Editors: Aet Ollisaar, Reet Pulk-Piatkowska.

Translators: Marju Roos, Liina Kinks.

Supporters: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Pallas University of Applied Sciences, Vilnius Academy of Arts.

This event is part of the Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture program.

For more information: Prof. Aet Ollisaar, +372 5067281

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