The Turu Street chimney will be taken down on October 19th, leading to temporary traffic changes

Photo: Johanna Adojaan

On Saturday, October 19, between 9 AM and 12 PM, the chimney of the former boiler house on Turu Street will be demolished.

A safety zone with a radius of 200 meters will be established around the chimney during this time, and entry for unauthorized persons will be strictly prohibited. The safety zone will also extend to the area between the Emajõgi River and Anne Canal.

The boundaries of the safety zone will be marked with barrier tapes, and security personnel will ensure safety in the area.

During this period, Turu Street will be temporarily closed, and traffic will be redirected. Please follow the temporary traffic management signs.

River traffic on the Emajõgi will also be halted, and drone flights are prohibited.

The demolition can be safely observed from the beach at Anne Canal, which offers a good view of the chimney.

Drone flights are strictly prohibited in the demolition area.

The former boiler house site is planned to be developed into the Katlamaja Quarter, with residential and commercial buildings.

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