The Tartu 2024 Pride parade will change traffic management

On August 17, at 13:00 – 15:00, a Pride parade will take place from Hurda Park to the Town Hall Square as part of Tartu 2024 Pride events.

In connection with the Tartu 2024 Pride parade, there are the following traffic restrictions in Tartu from 13:00 to 15:00:

Vanemuise street is closed to traffic in the section Vanemuise 1 – 45.

Uueturu street is closed to traffic.

Two lanes are closed to traffic on the section of Vabaduse puiestee from Tartu Kaubamaja to Town Hall Square. Traffic is directed to the other two lanes, which is why there may be traffic jams there.

Please follow the temporary traffic control devices and the instructions of the regulators.

Parade participants are asked to follow safety and security rules to ensure a pleasant experience for all of us.

Please consider your companions. Be attentive and caring. If you notice that someone needs help, contact our volunteers (yellow safety vests) or security staff.

Posters supporting the LGBT+ community are welcome in the parade. When it comes to posters and other information carried in the parade, we ask that they not be exclusionary or offensive to community members.

We ignore provocations. If you notice dangerous provocative behavior, contact the security staff.

Bring a water bottle, sun protection products and other necessary things so that you feel comfortable even while waiting in the sun. In case of rain, prefer a rain cape, an umbrella is troublesome in a dense crowd.

When gathering, follow the guidelines of our volunteer queuers, so we can find a place for everyone in Tartu’s biggest Pride parade so far!

Take the garbage generated during gathering/walking with you. There are sorting stations on the town hall square where you can throw it away.

A bright outfit is welcome, but the main thing is to come, so feel comfortable.

Music (speakers) is welcome. Please consider the people around you when playing music and, if necessary, coordinate music breaks with other DJs.

If you come to Tartu from further away, use public transport if possible.

Tartu Information Centre
Raekoja plats 1a
50089 Tartu

Tourist information 
+372 744 2111