Tarkusepäev x tead?fest – from youth to youth

The autumn of the capital of culture is about to begin, and the top autumn event for young people has been organized by the young people themselves. The traditional Wisdom Day will take place in the center of Tartu on September 1st, which this year will be even more spectacular than ever before – in addition to the main performer OLLIE, there will also be two awesome leaders of the day!​

“Freddy and Gabriel of Goodmen, who gained fame on Tiktok, are two 23-year-old midlife-crisis-enjoying brats who feed on adrenaline and other oddities instead of food. If something can be done in an unusual way, they will do it” – the leaders of Tarkusepäev x tead?fest describe themselves like this and they make the visitors of the event laugh all day long.

“Wisdom Day is like celebrating the New Year of brain activity. The summer relaxation will come to an end, and the students and their parents will once again dedicate themselves to the systematic acquisition of world wisdom,” said Tartu 2024 CEO Kuldar Leis.

What will the main speaker OLLIE bring to the Tarkusepäev x tead?fest?

“A lot of rock. It’s time to shake off the summer distractions from young people and get new energy for school.” comments OLLIE. OLLIE remembers the celebration of his school days and says that there was no bigger celebration in his time, but one year he got a cake of the spelling book form for it. We asked what is the most lively song from OLLIE’s repertoire and whether it will also be performed on September 1. “My latest single “Heartless” is probably the most energetic. Will it also be heard on September 1st, for this answer you have to come and listen carefully with your own ears!”

Tarkusepäev x tead?fest will take place on September 1 from 14:00 to 20:00 in the heart of Tartu. The event is FREE for all. The event is organized by Tartu Noorsootöö Keskus / Tartu Youth Employment Center in cooperation with Tartu 2024 Extended.

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50089 Tartu

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