Agirregoikoa Kennel — Visit sled dogs in Tartu County
Viira Kolga küla, Nõo vald 61611Show on map
Visit website +372 5664 8117 erle.hermann@gmail.comFacebook Instagram
We invite you to visit Agirregoikoa Kennel.
We will introduce you to our 20 Nordic sled dogs, all of whom are working Siberian Huskies, and we will talk about the history and present-day conditions of the breed. Our dogs are trained, award-winning sled dogs. We will take the dogs for a walk around the two-hectare orchard. You can pet, hug, take pictures of the dogs, and have a photo session with your favorite dog. Siberian Huskies love people and will be happy to meet you! It is also possible to order a sled ride in addition to the visit.