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Johannes Säre at the Tartu Art House

Photo: Trellid ja redelid

On Friday, 15 November at 5 p.m., Johannes Säre will open his solo exhibition “Drills and Ladders” in the large gallery of the Tartu Art House.

The exhibition is Johannes Säre’s first solo show after a seven-year creative break. It focuses on the artist’s experiences during that period as an art technician.

The starting point of the exhibition revolves around the mishaps, successes and musings from that time on life, death and art broadly.

Säre continues to employ the dark humour characteristic of his earlier work but it is now directed towards the artist himself.

Johannes Säre (b. 1983) is an installation artist and an art exhibition technician. He graduated from the Estonian Academy of Arts with a degree in photography. Säre has participated in exhibitions both in Estonia and abroad since 2008. He is a member of the board of the Estonian Museum of Contemporary Art and belongs to the Estonian Artists’ Union. In 2014, Säre received the Köler Prize people’s choice award.

Thanks: Kristiina Hansen, Kalle Tikas and Heta Jäälinoja

The exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
The exhibition will be open until 15 December.

Additional information: Maret Tamme, Producer of the Tartu Art House,, 5800 3882

The Tartu Art House (Vanemuise 26) is open Wed-Mon 12.00–18.00. All exhibitions are free of charge.
The exhibition activities in the Tartu Art House are supported by the Tartu city government and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

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50089 Tartu

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