2022: Guide to Organizing Environmentally Friendly Events

In 2022, Tartu submitted the Guide to Organizing Environmentally Friendly Events to the Green Destinations Top 100 Success Stories

The guide was created in collaboration with the Tartu 2024 Foundation and the consulting company Acento, and it serves as a practical resource for every event organizer. With the help of this guide, event organizers can identify ways to make their activities more environmentally friendly.

All events within the cultural capital Tartu 2024 program are organized sustainably, and since July 2022, the goal has been for all events held in Tartu’s public spaces to adhere to the minimum requirements outlined in the guide.

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The success story was selected among the top 100.

Tartu Information Centre
Raekoja plats 1a
50089 Tartu

Tourist information 
+372 744 2111